Sunday Morning Bible Study
1st through 6th Graders use The Gospel Project: Sunday School Curriculum
Gospel? It means good news. As Christians, it’s all too easy to forget that. That’s why we created The Gospel Project. The Gospel Project is a weekly Bible study that helps all ages dive deep into the big story of the Bible—God’s plan to rescue His people through His Son, Jesus Christ.
- Christ Centered Bible Study - Every story points back to Jesus.
- Heart Transforming - Encourages true transformation that comes from the gospel.
- Age Aligned - Participants each week will study the same scripture.
- Chronological Bible Study- Study the Bible in order, from Genesis to Revelation.
- Theologically Rich - All lessons are doctrinally sound.
- Missionally Minded - Calls participants to respond by sharing and living out the gospel.
Information about The Gospel Project can be found on
Children In Action
Children in Action (CA's) is a missions/discipleship group for boys and girls in grades 1–6. CA's provides an opportunity for boys and girls to grow spiritually, physically, mentally, and relationally with others through missions involvement and character development. They meet every Wednesday evening at 6:45 pm.
Children's Church
The goal of Children's Church is to teach the Bible to Children grades 1-4 during the sermon time of our Sunday service. Children's Church is led by a rotating team of volunteers that seeks to share the word of God in a fun and creative environment. Our volunteers use the children's version of the Gospel Project Curriculum.
Children's Choir
Children’s Choir meets every Wednesday evening at 6:00 pm. This program introduces children to music, teaches them new songs, and allows them the opportunity to have a part in leading worship. The songs that are practiced on Wednesday evening are performed during our Sunday morning worship. Our children's choir meets on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 pm